All about me, the author of this website, Laura Hunt

Pope Bob
This is me!
As I have been creating my page, I have had a lot of requests from people that have come across it, one way or another, to dedicate a page for the purpose of understanding myself and my interests better. I have had many requests of finding pictures of myself, and have had to refer them to the link to, my boyfriend, Curtis Johnson's page.

I don't want to be boring writing a story of every little detail I can think of to talk about, so I think I will start by just talking about the things that relate most recently to my life.

First of all, there are my friends. I have made links to pages I have created for my friends and the first page, the one dedicated to the infamous Pope Bob. My friends are separted into two categories. The first one being my friends, from Dimond High School, where I graduated with the class of 1998. There you will be able to read about Curtis, my boyfriend of almost two and a half years, Meghan, my best friend, Amber, her sister, Michael, a really good friend of mine since seventh grade, and Bryan, and other good friend. Another group of friends, are the ones I have met while I have been attending St. Cloud State in Minnesota. These friends include Katja, Christopher, Candi, and Mike.

One of my biggest goals in life is to become ambidextrious. I consider myself semi-ambidextrious, or right-hand dominante. I have practiced for a long time, and I can write with my left hand. However, it still takes longer and does not look as nice as my right hand, but it is legible and I can write it well. I have taught myself to bowl left handed, and have picked up the habit of eating with my left hand. I am really fascinated with doing things left handed. I think this may have to do with the fact that Curtis is left handed, as well as Amber. However, I have always been interested in the left handed world.

I am also very interested in learning languages. I want to learn as many as possible. Right now I am taking Spanish and Russian. I have taken Spanish since seventh grade (with a year and a half break in between my junior year of high school and my second semester of my first year in college) Now I am in the upper 300 level for both Spanish and Russian. Learning two languages at once is a little difficult because I get the words confused. I will say Spanish words in Russian class and Russian words in Spanish class. I do have fun learning languages. I used to work in the Foreign Language Office at St. Cloud State as a Spanish tutor. Now I work in the Language Lab at Ohio University.