"The Committee"

We are a group of people that together make very important executive decisions by the way of spontaneous forums.

The Rules
1. Katja presides over each and every one of "The Committee's Forums."
2. Laura shall preside over meetings when Katja is absent.
3. Official parliamentry procedure will be followed at each forum at all times.
4. All meetings are spontaneous. No notice need be given.
5. All members are responsible for attending forums.
6. Failure to attend a forum renders the absent member's privileges null and void at the next forum.
7. All official "Committee" business is considered confidential.
8. Elections for new officer positions shall not be held. Any attempt to do so may result in drastic measures being implemented at the other active "Committee" members' discretion.
9. All important decisions shall be brought to "The Committee" or the proper subcommittee in writing. The chain of command must be respected at all cost.
10. Notarization is required for all applications. For students residing in the resident halls, notarization may be obtained from the Resident Advisor on their floor. If the resident advisor is not available, they must go to an opposite sex floor and seek notarization from any individual residing on that floor. Peer leaders may follow the same requirements of the residents. However, resident advisors must obtain notarization from their hall director or assistant director.
11. Failure to comply with any "Committee" regulations, written, discussed, or implied, is subject to strict disciplinary action. Igorance is not an excuse.

So, who are these Committee members and what do we do?