This very cute Aries knows that when everything is back_to_megan life is where it is supposed to be.

[Bob] [Curtis] [Bryan] [Amber] [Michael]
I love you Curtis!

Left to Right: Curtis, Laura, Meghan. Aren't we cute?

"I'm only helping because I love you" is one of Meghan's all time favorite quotes. She uses it all the time. Why? Because Meghan loves EVERYBODY...well, almost everybody.

Just as I pride myself on being an ETERNAL OPTIMIST, Meghan prides herself on being an ARIES.

She loves being born with this sign. To her, it means that there is good reason for her "self-centeredness." Now, usually when people think of those that are self-centered, they think of people that only think of themselves. To Meghan, it is different. She loves to talk, and who else is more fun to talk about than herself? She says this because she knows herself better than anyone else.

However, Meghan is always willing to help a friend or give a willing smile to a complete stranger. Yet, Meghan doesn't stay strangers long: She makes friends with most the people that she meets.