Laura Hunt's Poetry Page

Laura wishes you to have a great day

This poem is my masterpiece. I wrote it during my Spring Break 1997. I am very proud of this piece. A lot of people think that it is depressing. I don't think of it that way. I think of it as hopeful, that being from the fact that I am an

A Surviving Nation

Bright and curious in a brilliant struggle
admist a world engulfed in tragedy
considerably unaware of what lies ahead
awaits a world of peace and harmony.

Grief and sorrow pollute our nation
enlisting ignorance to kidnap our children
with lies and deceit hiding in our darkened alleys.

Mistrust and deception haunt us
lurking around with stolen identities
handcuffing us in a sea of despair

Intolerance and pain concealed in hatred
Contaminates irresistable beauty and its innocence

Arrogance thrives on the misconceptions of others
while modesty is suffocated and belittled.

Anger is ratified and tortures our citizens
rallying in the streets for change.

Poverty holds generations captive
in its restless struggle.

And yet we as a nation strive on...

I was writing to a guy that I met over ICQ and discussing this poem with him. We had been talking about the massacre in Colorado, and it made me realize that this poem could also relate to that. I mean, listen to the words. It says that while all these bad things are happening right now, we are realizing this, and working together to make life better.

Enough poetry? Want to go home? Or, do you want another poem?Scroll down!
Meghan and LauraThe three of us.

It works that way...

It works that way, somehow
The smile in your eyes; my being there.
Our bodies; they touch and it's simple
Your touch; it steals my heart
You look at me; a smile arises
in my eyes
and stretches into my heart
And...we look at each other.
Who would have thought we'd feel this way?
Like, we can't get enough of these
they overwhelm and encompass us-
this big Hug.
And we know, it was meant to be
this passion, this love,
these Smiles.

This poem can be about anyone, but it is especially about my boyfriend
because we are in a long distance relationship an will be for a while more.
People used to think we were crazy for attempting long distance, especially
because we had only been dating two and a half months when the distance started
We are still together and about to celebrate our year anniversary in a little over
a month!


Your gentle eyes search the room
seeking something you couldn't find.
It was hidden in the deepest, darkest silence
and only came out when called by name.

You gaze intently out the window-
you sought to remember the past,
to bathe in the memory of forgotten dreams,
to love again.

You sit down and sigh a sigh for the world.
What else is there to do?
You played chess against yourself-
and lost.

Life is like that.
You place even an insignificant pawn in the wrong spot
and POOF! here you are-
alone. In silence.

Why didn't anyone ever tell you that knights
don't always ride in shining armour?
Why did it take so long to learn that courage
wasn't always a violent strategy?

How come love hurts so much
and at the same time is the most vivid recollection
you'll ever have?
Love is the pawn that saves you from the King.

Love is when the pawn devours your every emotion
and spits it right back at you.
It's when the bishop winks at you, and says

"I was just joking.
You're not free.
This game isn't over yet."
Love is war.

If you give love a name, it isn't love anymore.
You gaze intently out the window.

At least it's not Dickenson!

Need an exit? Or do you want more poetry? Here are a couple poems my boyfriend Curtis wrote for me!


It was a bright sunny summer
Two trees stood side by side
On a grassy hill.
The tress had been plated
several months ago.
The bigger provided shade
The smaller gave nourishment
There had grown a bond between them
One day
A storm came at them
It thrashed at them with howling winds
And dumped icy rains.
The storm did all it could
To tear them apart, but couldn't.
The bigger protected the smaller
From the howling winds
The smaller held the earth
in an iron clasp
The storm did all it could, but finally gave up.
And left the trees to remain

This poem is also by Curtis.

The Kiss

I didn't know how.
I didn't have the courage,
but that was then.
I finally got the courage,
and I am glad.
With the stars shining
Time stood still,
and the world was perfect.
It was just you and me
and the sky above.
What happened?
I don't know. It just happened.
The emotions I felt
cannot be expressed in words,
but I hope you understand.
I would give you the moons and the stars
just for one more kiss.

choo choo!